It is said that as we grow up, our eyes age more than any other organ. Beyond childhood, eyesight is reported to deteriorate, at different pace for different people. Unfortunately, use it or lose it does not apply for the eye. Those who are in such professions which demand prolonged use of the eyes, computer professional for example, tend to develop not only imperfect vision but associated problems like headache, fatigue, and general drowsiness which all affect their work drastically.
Please see if you suffer from any one or several of the following situations:
- imperfect vision
- blurred vision, slow focussing, frequent and troublesome focus shifting, double vision, squinting to focus, irritation in the eye for no apparent reason, involuntary tears
- myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, pressbiopia, glacucoma, nystagums, (cvs) computer vision syndrome, diabetic retinopathy
- colour blindness, night blindness
- frequent feeling of tension around the eye
- If you find the symptoms of any of these, we advise you to contact us. We have effective methods to remedy any of these problems