Subjective rating of visual acuity and its impact on astigmatism: An Interventional Study
Astigmatism is a condition were parallel rays of light entering the eye fails to produce a single clear image on the retina. It gets converged into different points. Children born with astigmatic condition normally gets corrected on its own in ten weeks. In some cases the rectification does not happen resulting in the need to use spectacles to ensure clarity of vision. Even during usage of spectacles most astigmatic patients have eye strain which further deteriorates vision. However, adjustment to spectacles is also seen among constant users. In the present study an attempt is made to assess the effect of eye relaxation intervention of visual acuity of the respondents, taking into consideration the period of usage of spectacles. The sample included 22 respondents; 11 in the experimental group and 11 in the control group. Initial visual acuity of the sample was noted. The experimental group alone was given training in eye relaxation practices. After a period of two months the visual acuity of both the experimental group and control group are noted again. Significant improvement in the level of visual acuity was perceived in the experimental group; with duration of ailment playing a pronounced role in the rate of change of visual acuity in the left eye.